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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tiger, Big Ben the Rapist, and selective reporting of the news media

I'm going to make this short and sweet. Don't get me wrong, I love ESPN. I go to sleep and wake up to ESPN. Check my phone app at least 5 times a day. Check it on the computer at least 5 times a day. I have always loved their professionalism and objective reporting, but of late?? It's been US weekly status. Despite the 27000000 articles and specials and apologies about Tiger Woods, you know what? I REALLY DON'T CARE THAT MUCH. I'm 28, and I don't play golf. I do like to see Tiger win and chase history, because he is a great athlete, BUT THAT IS IT, NOTHING MORE. Must we be subjected to watching 39 different anchors or columnists give their 2 cents? IT'S HIS PERSONAL LIFE, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOLF. I haven't heard one convincing arguement on why I should really give a s#!t about Tiger and his infidelities.

Before I talk about the latest stinker, lets go back a few years. Kobe Bryant, NBA superstar, is accused of rape while getting treatment in Colorado. This is huge, stop the presses news on ESPN and everywhere else (besides how stupid it is, and how famous he is, the only real significance is that he could miss time playing basketball to go to court, and seasons if he is convicted). For months, sponsors dropped him, racists pissed on him (figuratively), and it was front page news. However, the angle was FAR from objective. The media, including ESPN, painted Kobe as this monster, this big black guy preying on innocent white girls, and it went way too far. So far that even after the "victim" was found to have the semen of 5 different men in the underwear she wore when she was checked out, AND the case was dropped due to lack of evidence, Kobe's rep was ruined, and he CONTINUED to be villified. It took 8 years, 81 points, a 2 million dollar ring and 2 finals appearances to erase MOST of that ordeal. Although I hate to go to a black/white thing by default, there is the case of Big Ben.

Ben Roethlisberger is (in my opinion) an overrated, overpaid QB who has ridden an elite defense, luck, and a hail mary catch to 2 superbowl victories. He is also a twice accused rapist. I remember it clearly, when the news of the first assault broke to other outlets (curiously not ESPN), and it took a user backlash and complaints before there was a statement explaining why the story hadn't been front page news on ESPN. As my brother would say, HOGWASH. I say ESPN was protecting the big white QB of the defending SB champs. I know what you might be thinking: "you threw the race card too quick", but hold on. I definitely understand what an opportunistic female would do, and I do not envy this part of a stars life, but the details of that first accusation sure as hell painted a monster. But why would you do that when you're on top of the world? Usually the people that do the craziest things either have everything, or nothing, and it wouldn't be the first of last time. As quickly as that first accusation fell out of conversation just like that, the steelers were out of the playoffs, because the heart of that elite defense (Troy Polamalu) was injured most of the year, and the big white hope QUIT on his team. When the details broke on this second accusation (and it was maybe the 4th or 5th story on ESPN), I was pretty shocked. Big Ben? with a blacking out 20 year old college student? In a bathroom stall? Dude is sick. Now, nobody but Ben and his accuser know what really happened, but as the DA put it this morning: "many questions persist". I just realized I pulled a "sports guy" and went a bit long. I think Ben just got a SERIOUS free pass number 2, and I'm kind of disgusted that it went down like that. No one is squatting on Ben taking a dump on his rep like they did Kobe (or Michael Jackson, or Mike Tyson, or Michael Jordan, or Marvin Harrison, or Chad Johnson, or even Gilbert Arenas, though I do not condone what he did), and if the Steelers make it to the Superbowl, it will all be ancient history. Since the law's hands are now tied, I hope Roger Goddell and the NFL do what everyone in the media has been afraid to do to Ben: speak the truth, and punish him for embarassing himself, his family, and team, and for most importantly (and stupidly) putting himself in those positions.

1 comment:

  1. i like your input on pop culture especially because it comes from a perspective that has lived during so many communication advances. I can relate to your feelings/reflections on these icons of media. What I would like to see more gritty hardcore opinions. Push it more to the edge and throw more of your personality in your writing. I'm not an English teacher, but for entertainment purposes you need to be more entertaining and you have the potential to do so. Keep writing at least once a week.
    Good luck
